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Offerte di lavoro all'Estero nel Settore Alberghiero Ristorazione Junior sous Chef - Mediterranean cuisine Bahrain

Offerte di lavoro all'Estero nel Settore Alberghiero Ristorazione

Junior sous Chef - Mediterranean cuisine

Descrizione dell'offerta

Job Description

Responsible for the Western food items prepared for the All day dining restaurant, In-room dining, and Banquets.
Ensure that the team thoroughly follows the set Safety and hygiene practices set by HACCP and the hotel.
Responsible for seeking guest feedback and looking for ways to improve the guest satisfaction score.
Maintain and serve the food with the highest quality standards.
Control food cost, emphasize resource optimization and look for ways to continuously improve.
The  Junior Sous chef is responsible for looking after the day to day operations of the Kitchen.
Assist with Designing the menu for the restaurant.
Assist the Executive Sous Chef in planning various activities, promotions, menu implement according to the annual marketing plan.
Participate in various marketing initiatives of the hotel.
Responsible to address all the team grievanc....... continua la lettura e candidati!
Per candidarti clicca qui

Segnala Annuncio

#id Annuncio 381828


29/11/2024 12:47



Nome della ditta: Raffles Al Areen Palace Bahrain
Ruolo Offerto: Junior sous Chef
Alloggio: Non Specificato
Tipo di contratto: Non specificato
Titolo di studio richiesto: Non specificato

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